The owls are not what they seem.

dimanche 31 janvier 2010

Last night, I had a dream so vivid, I remembered how it's like to live again.I spent the day scribbling details,page after page -notes that may turn to a story, that may turn to a novel.I feel I am a silent observer taking no part in this act of creation. This night,I shall pray for nightmares and under their spell I may venture again to the streets of London.I have found my centrum mundi where it was least expected.My little corner of the world has again proven to offer only the promise on inspiration and deliver no goods. Who knows,maybe Baba Yaga is waiting at the Charring Cross...of this I shall soon find out.

vendredi 29 janvier 2010


She had a dream to flee to Montevideo.One day, while washing the dishes,her reflection got caught inside a porcelain cup. She would not take more than one glimpse before drowning it in dirty foam.
She had a dream to sleep under bridges and wear her jeans until they fade to nothingness...not much to dream about, just a different kind of obscurity to long for.She wanted a past she could grow out of as to embrace the comings and goings of old age.She felt undone- after all instead of going to Montevideo she had danced the night away, then changed into her work clothes and went on with her life.
The moment one regrets how one wasted its youth-that is when there is too little left to change. Dreaming of South America, she carried on and on.
She was never happy. A story needs to have a real beginning in order not to crumble under its own web of lies.

jeudi 28 janvier 2010


She had both the grace of well hidden dispair and the serenity of youth.

lundi 25 janvier 2010

It's times like these I forget who I am,hyde myself under a blanket and pretend I'm Zelda Fitzgerald.I want to drink the light dripping from the Christmas bulbs the neighbours forgot to turn off.Fluid and soft, it pierces the night.Let us drink for madness,a sip of bathtub gin tonight,as we swirl around in our rags pretending we're queens.Let us lay down and think of sleep, not daring to close our eyes. You and me,baby -the same face drowning in a mirror broken in half...

dimanche 17 janvier 2010

Happy Fluorescent Cat Day

I've returned to blogging.Updates in a week or so - exams to study for,nights to waste away, crusades to fight....

Another Side of Tahiti