The owls are not what they seem.

jeudi 15 avril 2010

Let's sin tonight with guilt and glory; we'll start early as there isn't much to do -after all,it sounds better to pretend we are blasee instead of bored. :those afternoons we spent listening to music and watching smoke suspended in mid air.We crumbled the charred matchsticks between the tips of our fingers and used it as warpaint in our dreams. Life was passing us by,as the present,from our point of view, was inssuferable and could only be ailled by procrastination.We stood in awe, contemplating how
Oh the places we'll go to and people we'll meet, the nights we'll loose in meaningful debauchery,the clothes we shall wear-, we the children who pretend to be the first to have discovered life.

We find ourselves old children,grown men with petty names,women perpetually worrying for what just yesterday were laughter lines.Drained and sullen,we gather from time to time to hum the songs we sang at sixteen and gossip the people we loved at twenty three.
We go to the same place and make sure everyone knows,like a badge of courrage.

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